Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

29208 - Human Nutrition

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29208 - Human Nutrition
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
441 - Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following activities:

During the classroom seminars students will be presented with problems to solve related to the theoretical subjects and that in turn are linked to important competences of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics such as the knowledge of the bases of human nutrition. During the laboratory classes students will manage equipments directly related to the competences of the course. Also, in the workshops carried out in small groups is intended for the student to acquire skills and competences in the management of small equipment and instruments, dietary questionnaires and other material used in the of nutritional status assesment. In these workshops the student can also demonstrate his ability to work as a team and respect for other professionals.

The teaching-learning process is facilitated by the tutorial hours, both the weekly ones to solve general aspects of the subject, and specific ones to the individual work.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the student to help him achieve the expected results includes the following activities:

1.- Participatory lectures (45 hours face-to-face). The basic theoretical concepts are exposed in classroom.
2. Practical classes (45 hours face-to-face): Practical application of the knowledge acquired in the theoretical program and include laboratory practices and workshops in the Nutrition Unit (15 hours), classroom seminars and computer sessions (30 hours ).
3.- Study and evaluation tests:
- Study of theoretical contents for the written test and individual work of the subject: 130 non-contact hours (autonomous student work).
- Evaluation tests: 2 hours face-to-face (partial or global written test).
4. Material classes:
In addition to the recommended bibliography,
Material placed on the web: in the Moodle website will hang various material needed to study the subject. Computer applications in Nutrition.

5.3. Syllabus

1. Theoretical classes:

Module 1. Introduction to human nutrition: The first block of theoretical subject is dedicated to basic concepts in human nutrition as classification of nutrients and type of nutritional recommendations, fundamentals, applications and target groups.
Lesson 1. Introduction to nutrition. Classification of nutrients.
Lesson 2. Nutritional recommendations: Dietary Reference Intakes, and other nutrient recommendations in the healthy adult.

Module II: Energy metabolism and energy macronutrients: The second thematic section will focus on the study of energy metabolism and energy balance in humans, as well as integrated vision of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids metabolism in human nutrition.

Lesson 3. Energy balance: energy intake and energy expenditure.

Lesson 4. Proteins.

Lesson 5. Lipids.

Lesson 6. Carbohydrates.

Lesson 7. Dietary fibers.

Lesson 8. Integrated macronutrient metabolism in human nutrition.

Module III: Micronutrients and other dietary components:

In the third part,  water, vitamins and minerals will be studied from the point of view of human nutrition (functions, general metabolism and nutritional needs). This section ends with the study of other diet components with important physiological functions such as nitrogenous substances, stimulatory compounds, anti-nutrients and various plant compounds (phytochemicals).

Lesson 9. Introduction to the micronutrients.

Lesson 10. Vitamins and minerals.

Lesson 11. Water.

Lesson 12. Other dietary components.

Module IV: Assessment of nutritional status: The final section of the theoretical program will focus on the basics, techniques and protocols used in adult nutritional assessment in order to provide the basic knowledge for application to other courses.

Lesson 13. Methodology of nutritional status assessment: fundamentals and applications.

Lesson 14. Other components of nutritional status assessment.

Lesson 15. Dietary intake assessment.

Lesson 16. Body composition assessment.


2.- Practical classes:

- DIETARY REFERENCE INTAKES: Nutrient adequacy ratio. Nutritional food labelling.

- ENERGY EXPENDITURE AND ENERGY BALANCE: Determination of energy expenditure using indirect calorimetry. Energy metabolism. Theoretical determination of total daily energy expenditure and its components.

- CARBOHYDRATES. Glycemic index and glycemic load.

- PROTEINS: Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition.

- MINERALS: Evaluation of iron dietary intake and its bioavailability.


* Body composition assessment using anthropometry and electric bioimpedance.

* Methodology of dietary intake assessment.

Biochemical assessment: biochemical measures, malnutrition rates.

* Analysis and evaluation of changes in nutrient concentrations in blood. Glucose and lipid metabolism disorders in relation to nutrition.
* Assessment of body protein status: nitrogen balance; urinarycreatinine and serum proteins. Structured questionnaires in nutritional screening.
* Use of different software tools in human nutrition.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The planning of the course and the dates of the activities will be exposed at the beginning of the academic year.